YES ! It IS CHEESE and We're going after it!
What a Journey... We sold our home in January, bought a new home in February, moved in in March. And we're settling in....
Have you ever read the book, "Who Moved My Cheese"? It's about a few rats and some other dorks who are hanging around "Cheese Station C" when the cheese just dried up. It quit coming. So these mice and dorks began wandering around this maze. Some are willing to explore the maze. Others are STILL stuck at "Cheese Station C" hoping that the cheese supply will miraculously return. Well in my life, Cheese Station C has run out of cheese and it's time to explore the maze with Vigor . . . With lots of new and better Cheese Hunting tools in our tool kit, it won't be long before a just as 'cheezie' cheese station is discovered.
Stay Tuned for More . . . . .
OK, Here's the SOLUTION.... Just Click on the TITLE Above " A New Kid IN Just Five Days" and you'll see an interview that will explain it all.
It all started with a rough ride through high winds, thunder and lightning, and hail slamming into our
windshield heading south on I-75 to see the 'infamous' Eagles band, the greatest band in America according to Advertising Age.
Active signs along the way up GA 400 warned of impending Tornadoes! We arrived to face a mud covered parking area with the rain still coming down. Umbrellas? Yeah our friends had a few. We brought none. We trudged our way through 1/2 to 1" water to get to the Verizon Amphatheatre near Alpharetta, GA. Luckily we had seats 'under the pavilion' and were able to fold up our umbrellas and just walk through water covered concrete walkways and streams of water flowing down the steps and aisles.LET THERE BE LIGHT ! ! and there it was. Shortly after 8:20 PM the clouds cleared and the show began. Who are those old men dressed in suits walking onto the stage? Is this a business meeting or maybe a revival? WHO? The Eagles? Yeah! I can tell by the songs they're singing... DUH.... This was not a business meeting, but it was
One Heck of a Revival of OLD TIMES ! ! !
You may not be old enough to remember the beginning ... But you're surely old enough to remember the middle and now the end... Well the latter part of the middle.
The Eagles haven't lost their touch or their rhythm.
WOW. . A Fabulous night of entertainment!
WOW, Amber is following in her dad's footsteps in her love for photography and I do believe she has surely passed him up with her creativity. Just click on the Amber Wins . . . title and it will take you to the competition page. She has many wonderful images that depict her children and family's life in a very creative and engaging way. Congratulations there Amber ole' girl.. A chip off the old man's block... And a good chip at that.