Going back a few months..... One of the most wonderful days I can recall was the day Judy and family surprised me with a visit and a happy birthday. Yes, it was 7 months ago and and why haven't I already posted about it? Don't forget, I'm the Procrastinating Laurette of all time. but the photo is now ready. Pictures take a long time to develop you know. Here's the entire first generation clan with their wonderful spouses. We're so lucky to have added such wonderful men and women to our family. We're so fortunate.
Thanks again to all. I only wish we could have done it for more time, more days. Some day, when I retire, my goal is to have another 'multi-day' reunion with Every One there! Some where Away from where we are now. Like, Hilton Head. Or even better, a cruise. Could we handle a cruise? The money ain't there no more but if everyone paid their own way with all the kids... we could handle our own way.... Just think about it. Where do we go? Doesn't really matter. The ship itself is a destination.
Love to all.
Papa, Dad, Fred
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Catching Up
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That was a GREAT weekend. It seems like it was forever ago. I miss you and everyone else. That is a really good picture of all of us.
Thanks for posting that. We're glad we came up for the day. Feel free to direct feed these updates to my work e-mail address (YES, the one I've always forbidden in the past) and Jenn's personal address- rnjenn228@yahoo.com.
I'm in! Just tell me when and where! That was really fun to have everyone together!
You are an awesome Dad/Father in Law. Wish we could do more.
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