We have been keeping our true location a secret here in west Tennessee because we live in a different ward than we are attending... You LDS followers know that's a No-No.... But we've now signed a contract on a new home in Collierville, within the boundaries of the ward (congregation) we have been attending. We have been living in Germantown, Tennessee since August.
This hasn't really been much of a secret around here but we were trying to keep a low profile.
Judy has been working ever so hard to find a home that would suit our needs and desires AND be in the right location. Just last week she announced that we're going to have to look elsewhere. So we attended the Germantown ward. There we met and formally introduced ourselves to the stake president who knew all about our dilemma.
Well, low and behold we agreed upon a price and closing date for our new home,Today.
(This is really boring isn't it?)
If you want to see a few pictures, just email me and I'll give you a link.
Anyhow here are a few of pictures of where we now live. NO, not the large house with the USA flag but in the cottage behind.
Beth and John Mullis have been wonderful 'landlords' helping us with stuff and just being nice friends. We're especially appreciative of their son's dog Bell who loves to play with Logan and F
We'll be here until the end of October then on to our new home... Of which is a picture of the back - right there.....
Oh good! I know Judy will feel better with her own home to live in. I cant wait to see the rest of it. I do like the cottage though. I love smaller living spaces. Not that I wouldnt enjoy a bit more storage space and maybe a school room and a sun room... Ok, so I lied. Maybe I dont like smaller living spaces so much. I DO love 'Oh crap, pete is that you' though! Cracks me up everytime.
Beautiful back of the house!! Send more pics!
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