Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Football and It's Benefits . . .

As one of MUS's 8th grade running backs, he was given a hand off and headed right through the middle making over 10 yards before being taken down by boys 100lbs his better. As Logan was slammed to the ground his left hand unfortunately got between his face mask and the ground. Snap. The old thumb gave way. He also gave his helmet the ultimate test as his head tried to keep going after his helmet stopped at the ground. Ugh.. Getting your bell rung I think they call it.
Good thing it was the 3rd Quarter of the last game of the season. This will give him 6 weeks to rest up for Indoor Lacrosse.

Football has it's benefits no doubt. And those benefits go to the player and a host of others.  In particular, the medical profession as we experienced last night.... 
Yes we made a visit to the EMERGENCY ROOM

As you can see, the Brave Grid Iron Champion made the best of a challenging situation. 

He SURVIVED.... Now on to the Orthopedic Professionals. 

Another benefactor of the great game of football. Sports  medicine.

Their moto:  Play as hard as you can, we'll always be there to Glue you back together . . . For a Oh yeah... He broke his thumb. Nice clean break. 
Quite the wrapping for a broken thumb.  Too bad it couldn't have gone all the way over his mouth. . . :-)

And there were no Drugs to get this face out of him.....Amazing what humors these fellas isn't it...... 

Here he is with the official cast and collection of signatures.

You know, this blog thing has a mind of its own. It doesn't look anything like I layed it out.. Oh well.  It's FREE.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Doh!! That looks painful. But it seems to come with the teritory. Poor guy!
What does this mean for the rest of the season?