Saturday, February 27, 2010

Twenty One Years Ago - Today

Twenty One years ago today, February 26, 1989, Fred and Judy were heading to Fred's house after church in Chattanooga. Not sure but 'the kids' were probably in the car too. Stopping at a traffic light at the intersection of North Moore Road and Shallowford Road, Fred turns to Judy sitting beside him in his 1989 Dodge van and says, "Judy, I really just  don't know what to do. I really love you. I've never gotten to this point in a relationship before." Judy responds quickly, "We should get married then." Fred, a bit taken aback by this response said, "Oh, no, I like being single." I think the conversation became humorous at that point and little more was said about it.
Well, that response started the wheels turning. Fred really did love Judy. He enjoyed being with her all the time. She was a dream come true. A promise being kept from powers on high. I think Judy felt the same way. What wonderful feelings were shared by them both. The following day Fred was still pondering Judy's comment and wondering. Should he marry this wonderful woman? He called a dear friend and told him about her. His friend said, "Fred, this sounds like a good one. You should seriously consider whether you should marry this woman or not."
That same morning, Fred sought another 'friend' and was told almost outright that he should marry Judy and Fred knew he was right.
He made up his mind and immediately put into play the events that would take place following Friday night.
So when that day arrives we'll hear more about Fred and Judy.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i can't say i remember that day myself but it sounds like one you'll never forget. i can't wait to hear the rest of the story. i think i recall bits. i love you guys! happy inbetween birthdays day!